Getting a loan from a bank or using money from your savings/investment  is not the only way to fund your next level financial growth.

Give us the Mandate

…we will handle the Rest

Specialized consultancy services to fund your personal and business financial growth from non– traditional income resources.

We Will Help With:

Who We Are

A B O Services & Konsult is a business consulting and training organisation based in Lagos, Nigeria, established to meet the management consulting and financial education needs of individuals, organisations and nations at large. Our team is made up of professionals with experience in business management, entrepreneurship, finance, accountancy, engineering, renewable energy and academia.

What Previous Clients Say

“It is an eye opener to me. It gives me a good knowledge about financial markets and investment”


“We never believed it is possible to actually receive our unclaimed dividends, it came as a pleasant surprise.”


“The results of your consultation and strategy was very timely. It really boosted our bottom line greatly.”


“They are very resourceful, vast in the impartation of knowledge, very educative.”


Our Partners In Progress